ICCKerala membership shall be open to all qualified cardiologists practicing in the state of Kerala and attached to hospitals with active Cath labs. Technicians and Cathlab Nurses will be given the status of Associate Member.
Hold meeting, conference and clinical discussions, Continuing Medical Education Programs etc.
Publish, distributes or circulate any articles or journals related to cardiovascular science.
Present interesting Interventional cases from different institutions in Kerala and exchange views to promote research activities and newer techniques in the field.
I. DM or equivalent PG degree in Cardiology with keen interest in intervention and practicing in Kerala.
II. Associal members - technicians, sisters working in Cath Lab.
III. Membership Fee: Life Membership Fee Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only).
The management of the Council shall be vested in a managing Committee of not less than 7 elected members from the General Body. The managing Committee shall be elected by the Annual General Body Meeting of the council every year. There shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the Managing Committee and will hold office for the duration of the Managing Committee for which they were elected.
General Body meeting will be held along with the Interventional Cardiology Council of Kerala (ICCK) meeting every 6 months. During the Annual General Body Meeting in September every year, accounts of the society shall be discussed and finalised.
The outgoing President shall be the member of the Managing Committee. The Secretary/Treasurer may prepare estimate of Income and Expenditure and get it approved by a meeting of the Managing Committee after the election of office bearers. Office bearers, chair persons and panellists will be only those who are actively participating intervention.
The Managing Committee shall have power to appoint members to fill any casual vacancy or vacancies that may arise in the Managing Committee until the next General Body Meeting.
At least 10 members should be present in the General Body Meeting for conducting business sections.
The duration of the elected committee is two years from the date of election.
The Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out directions and decisions of the executive committees and the affairs of the ICCK as put down in the constitution.
Keep minutes of the meeting of the council maintaining the Registrar of ICCK and periodically hold Executive Committee Meeting on in consultation with the President.
Zonal members shall hold the office for one year, coordinate the various activities in the respective areas and collect the data.
Council will conduct conferences as per decisions of General Body Meeting. At least once in 6 months in different places. Meeting will be a one day affair. Seminar conferences will be in the month February/March and annual conference during August/September. It will be presided by the President.
Amendments to the constitution and byelaw can be made as follows:
A notification of proposal of any amendment must be sent to the secretary of the council. If approved by the Executive Committee, the amendment shall be meeting. The amendment can be passed with three - fifth majorities of the members present at the meeting. The amendment of the constitution is as per the act 12 of Societies Registration Act, 1860.
The funds of the council shall be formed of:
I. Membership Fee
II. Contribution, Donation and grant from any person or organization; and
III Balance amount from the Conferences.
In the event of dissolution of the council, the funds and assets of the council shall not be divided among the members and shall be transferred to any other registered society or institutions, with the same aims and objectives or to the Government, as decided by the general Body. This shall be made as per the Act, 13, 14 of Societies Registration Act, 1960.
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